Tales from the North is a free, ongoing anthology series created by David Gloyd II. It is a dark fantasy comic based on the setting of his RPG campaigns.
- Chapter 1, The Changing of Night
- Writing and art by David Gloyd II
- Lettered and edited by David Gloyd
- Chapter 2, A Goblin’s Tale (part 1)
- Writing and art by David Gloyd II
- Lettered and edited by David Gloyd
- Holiday Special: Naughty and Nice
- Art by David Gloyd II
- Written and lettered by David Gloyd
- Chapter 3, A Goblin’s Tale (part 2)
- Writing and art by David Gloyd II
- Lettered and edited by David Gloyd
- The Dungeon
- Writing by David Gloyd
- Art and Lettering by David Gloyd II